Thursday, October 3, 2013

DAY 3: To a Great Marriage - Have Fun Together! No Matter Your Age

Well, here we are on Day 3!

How did you do with Day 2 yesterday?  

I know it may have been a little rough as you checked your feelings about the past. It's not easy looking at unresolved issues in our relationships. But, I encourage you to take Day 2 seriously and use those simple tools to help you unpack any baggage that is holding you back, even if just a little bit, from moving forward in the freedom that comes from forgiveness and truth.

Okay, now we're shifting to having some fun!

Fun can be a soothing, healing ointment to the soul and to your relationship. I'm betting that having fun together was a major part of your courtship, and that it didn't matter what you did, because just being together doing anything was fun. Having fun together as a couple should never stop!

Therefore today...

DAY 3: TO A GREAT MARRIAGE - Have Fun Together!

One of the things Duane and I do is try to sit down together at the beginning of the month and fill out our calendars together, with upcoming things such as work-related trips, speaking engagements, conferences, family and friend birthdays, etc., and then talk about 2 or 3 things (apart from our Friday date nights) that we'd like to do.

For instance, Duane has turned into quite the tomato farmer as you can see from some of the fruit of his labors below. And so last month we decided to go to the World Heirloom Festival which just happened to be held at our county fairgrounds this year.

So, beginning today, and throughout the month - start having more fun together with your husband: #1 little fun things every day; #2 a couple of planned fun things this month. 

#1 -- Take (make) time every day for a simple thing you can do at home like playing a game together after the kids go to bed; watching a favorite comedy movie snuggled up on the couch together with some popcorn; having a pillow fight before going to bed. Just think a little ahead of time as you go through your day of something fun you both would enjoy, and then do it. The benefits will be evident, especially as you have a little daily fun together. #2 -- Get out your calendars and plan 2 or 3 fun activities just for you and your husband to do together this month. What do you both really like to do? Dancing? Star-gazing? Going to the beach or for a ride in the country? Fall is a beautiful time of the year to get out into the country and enjoy nature together. You might want to make a Fall 'bucket list,' and then do them.

Don't ignore the power of fun together -- it is part of what makes a marriage great!

No matter what age you are...
I'd love to hear some of your fun times together, and for you to share some of your own ideas with our readers, using the comment box below. Thanks!

Pillow fight tonight!

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