Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7: to a Great Marriage - Cook Him Something!

Is it an old wives tale that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach"?
I don't know. But I do know that if your husband's 'love language' is Acts of Service, cooking his favorite meal, baking his favorite cake or pie, etc., will communicate love to him.

It was my privilege to interview Dr. Gary Chapman on my radio (see 2/14/11) about his book(s) on the 5 Love Languages.

But, before we get into that, how did you do yesterday with Day 6 -- Listen? One of the things about deliberate, active listening to our spouses is that it will give you insight into the things that they care about; the things they have a heart for; the things that make them feel loved, and that leads to today's suggestion...

DAY 7: TO A GREAT MARRIAGE - Cook Him Something

So, today express your love for him by cooking him something he likes to eat, even if your spouse's love language isn't Acts of Service, and even if you don't consider yourself a great cook. It can't help but bless him, because it is a tangible way that communicates you were thinking about him. It also will be a good test to see if Acts of Service is his love language.

That's it!

I also recommend the other resources at Dr. Chapman's website. It is loaded with very helpful tools such as the Apology Profile.

And please feel free to share favorite recipes with the rest of us!

Happy eating...and loving :)

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